Clinical management of severe acute respiratory infection upon suspicion In infection with Corona virus, which causes respiratory syndrome in the Middle East

In 2012, the emergence of the new virus called K and Runa, launched The name Corona virus, the cause of respiratory syndrome in the Middle East, challenges With regard to clinical management. As of 2 July 2015 it was There are 1,361 laboratory-confirmed human infections and at least 477 deaths. The fatality rate was in hospitalized cases after suffering from impairment About 40% dangerous. Of the 26 countries that reported cases, two were in Middle East, Africa, Europe, North America and Asia. Since May 2015 Three other countries are affected by the disease: The Republic of Korea, China and Thailand

Virus Corona, the cause of Middle East respiratory syndrome, lead to conditions Infection with an animal source in humans through direct contact or Indirectly for Arab beauty or related products, but it is not attributable to This primary infection is only a small percentage of all cases. As for most cases They are secondary cases caused by human-to-human transmission in care settings Health, as a result of vulnerabilities in infection prevention practices Speak less to the household.

it seems that , The virus is not easily transmitted from person to person unless in contact Closely, such as providing clinical care to an infected patient without Take strict hygiene measures. To this day, no effect has been observed Corona virus that causes persistent respiratory syndrome in the Middle East Communities are widespread.

The clinical manifestations of corona virus infection are among the infections Asymptomatic and acute pneumonia are usually more complicated by the occurrence Acute respiratory distress syndrome, septic shock, and organ failure Manifold, and lead to death. The most early signs and symptoms are Common in severe cases of fever (98%) and tremor (87%) Cough (83%) and slip (72%); however (25%) of cases were reported Also symptoms of gastro-intestinal symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea. Fever may be absent In about (15%) of cases hospitalized. It usually progresses The disease quickly results in pneumonia and respiratory failure within The first exponent

Early identification of infected patients Severe acute respiratory

Severe acute respiratory infection with fever or a fever of 38 ° C or more, and a cough, which His symptoms started within the last ten days, and required hospitalization. However, the absence of fever does not mean exclusion Corona virus infection. Therefore, even in the absence of fever, a patient who has complained of a cough or other respiratory symptoms should be treated Be subject to a risk assessment of corona virus exposure.

Healthcare-related exposure (providing care to infected patients or working with workers in a field Infected health care) , Or work with anyone with HIV infection that causes Middle East respiratory syndrome, study or travel. Or stay with them; Or a person’s residence in a country in the Middle East or countries where the Corona virus is known Arab Camels or that have recently seen human infections, or a person’s travel to one of these countries.

Infection prevention and control measures

Upon screening, identify patients with respiratory disease Acute, give the patient a medical mask and place the patient in an area Separate. And if the use of patients with diseases of the device Acute respiratory medication masks possible, this will contribute to combating The source of infection and reduces potential environmental pollution.

Ensure the quality of ventilation in the places of sorting and waitingز

Encourage breathing hygiene (i.e., covering your mouth And nose when coughing and sneezing with a tissue, or with a sleeve or a fold Elbow), then clean hands and dispose of the tissue paper on The spot.When providing care to a patient with respiratory disease Acute also take precautions for spray

For patients suspected of having the Corona virus And those who need hospitalization, put the patient in a room Individually ventilated and well ventilated areas Other patients.

Alerting patient visitors and family members about the risks of transmission. Provide them with instructions on the use of personal protective equipment And clean hands. Assess the symptoms of respiratory disease Sharp before letting them visit. And limit the visit to visitors only To support the patient. He cautioned that he should not take care of The patient is any person who is severely exposed to severe disease.

Source: World Health Organization