Justice Department Carries Out 10th Execution This Year

The Justice Department on Friday executed Alfred Bourgeois, a 56-year-old inmate sentenced to death for murdering his 2-year-old daughter in 2002.

Mr. Bourgeois’s execution was the 10th carried out by the Trump administration since the federal government resumed its use of capital punishment in July after a 17-year hiatus. The last scheduled by the Trump administration for 2020, Mr. Bourgeois’s execution adds to what became the deadliest year in the history of federal capital punishment since at least the 1920s.

Mr. Bourgeois was declared dead at 8:21 p.m. at the federal penitentiary in Terre Haute, Ind., according to the Bureau of Prisons.

On Thursday, the federal government executed Brandon Bernard, despite a high-profile campaign for leniency that included Kim Kardashian West and two lawyers who helped defend President Trump during his impeachment. Mr. Trump’s administration has executed three people since Election Day, the only federal executions during the lame-duck period before a new presidential administration in at least 90 years.

Source : New York Times