The Prime Minister: Finland lifts the general isolation from the capital

SANA MARIN, Prime Minister of Finland, announced today, Wednesday, that the authorities will lift roadblocks around the capital about three weeks ago.

Restrictions on travel from and to the rest of the country began on March 28, with the aim of preventing outbreaks of the emerging Corona virus infection in the rest of the country.

The Finnish government has extended and tightened border controls restricting travel to and from the country until May 13, with the aim of containing the outbreak of the new Corona virus.

Finland followed with increasing concern the strategy pursued by its neighbor Sweden, fearing that cross-border travel could accelerate the spread of the virus in the northern parts of Finland, where the population of older persons increases and health care resources decrease.

“The government aims to further reduce movement in the main travel area across the borders with Sweden and Norway,” the Finnish government said in a statement.

Source: “Reuters”