Hmeimim: 19 violations du cessez-le-feu à Idlib par des militants

Yesterday, Saturday, the Russian Center for Reconciliation in Syria announced that the militants stationed in Idlib Governorate (northwest) violated 19 times the ceasefire regime in the area.

In a press briefing, Oleg Goravlyov, head of the center of the Ministry of Defense based in the Russian Hmeimim Air Force Base in Latakia countryside, said, “In the past 24 hours, 19 violations of the cessation of hostilities regime have been observed by illegal armed formations.”

The head of the center said that the Russian military police units continued their patrols in a number of tracks in the governorates of Aleppo, Raqqa, and Hasaka, in addition to a Russian air force patrol in several tracks from the city of Qamishli (north-eastern Syria).

On Friday, the Russian Reconciliation Center reported that the militants violated the ceasefire system 6 times.

It is worth noting that Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart Rajep Tayyip Erdogan reached last Thursday in the Russian capital, Moscow, a package of decisions to ease tension in Syria’s Idlib, including the declaration of a ceasefire in the region as of 00:01 from March 6, and the establishment of a safe corridor in Specific spaces on the “M4” road.

Source: Russian agencies