Feverish race to produce Corona vaccines

A Canadian company funded by the Pentagon said it had produced a vaccine against the Corona virus 20 days after receiving the virus’ genetic strain, and hopes that it will soon be approved by the US Food and Drug Safety Authority.

Medicago CEO Bruce Clark said his company had used a unique technology to reach this vaccine, and it could produce up to 10 million doses per month.

He added in an interview published Thursday, that if the regulatory obstacles can be removed, the vaccine may become available in November.

An Israeli research laboratory also claimed to have made a vaccine, but Clark said his company’s technology, already proven effective in producing seasonal flu vaccines, was more reliable and easier to expand.

Also last Thursday, Dr. Anthony Fossey, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health, told the US House of Representatives Oversight and Reform Committee that human trials of a vaccine (the manufacturer has not been identified) will be possible “within a few weeks”.

However, he said that the vaccine will not be available to the general public 12 to 18 months ago.

Another couple claiming to have produced a vaccine against corona, will be called “COVID-19”. But they say they have come up with different technologies, some of which are vaccines of RNA or DNA that have not yet been proven in any indication yet.

Source: Defenseone