Macron almost chokes on his mask in front of high school students

More fear than harm for the President of the Republic, visibly disturbed by his protective mask during a trip to Clermont-Ferrand. Visiting a professional high school to defend “equal opportunities”, Emmanuel Macron was interrupted in his speech by a sudden fit of coughing.

“Sorry I’m choking”, launches the head of state. After drinking a glass of water, he struggled to continue his speech but was forced remove your protective mask to put on a lighter model. “I’m going to take it off, I think I’ll choke on it,” said the president before asking for another mask.

“Give me a mask maybe lighter. I’m going to put on a lighter mask because I had to absorb something from the mask, “he explains to the procession of high school students who came to listen to him. Before resuming his somewhat confused speech: “We will make it happen, thank you for your patience”.

Source : English 24 News