Suffering of Hasaka citizens continues as Turkish occupier still controls water pumping in Allouk station

استمرار معاناة أهالي الحسكة جراء منع المحتل التركي ضخ المياه من محطة علوك
استمرار معاناة أهالي الحسكة جراء منع المحتل التركي ضخ المياه من محطة علوك

The suffering of  Hasaka citizens continued as the Turkish occupier still controls water pumping in Allouk station. The water did not reach the city’s neighborhoods despite the passing of more than 10 days since the station’s operation.

Director of Water Establishment in Hasaka, Mahmoud Ukla, said in a statement to SANA reporter that there are currently 17 wells in  Allouk station ready for operation, but the Turkish occupier reduces the operation to 6 wells only.

He added that operating 6 wells is not enough, and the tanks of the station may need a long time to be filled. Therefore, a solution must be reached by handing over the station to the workers of the Water Establishment in order restore the situation to normal.

Source : SANA