Egypt expects from Russia a positive role in the Renaissance Dam crisis

شكري: نتوقع من روسيا دورا إيجابيا في حل أزمة سد النهضة.موقع أصدقاء سورية.

Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry said on Sunday that Cairo expects Russia to play a positive role in settling the Renaissance Dam crisis with Ethiopia.

During an interview with the Russian “TASS” agency on the eve of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s visit to Cairo today, Monday, Shoukry confirmed that he will discuss with him the issue of the Renaissance Dam and the role that Moscow can play through its membership in the UN Security Council and within the framework of international efforts to resolve the crisis. And a binding agreement was reached on filling and operating the dam, according to “Russia Today” channel.

He pointed out that the negotiations on the Renaissance Dam had not resumed due to the intransigence of the Ethiopian side.

On Saturday, Egypt and Sudan rejected Ethiopia’s offer to exchange information about the second filling of the Renaissance Dam, stressing the need to reach a binding agreement on filling and operating the dam.

Source : Around World Journal