Senate upholds constitutionality of Trump impeachment trial after 6 Republicans vote with Democrats

The Senate wrapped up initial arguments Tuesday afternoon and is set to begin hearing evidence Wednesday in Donald Trump’s impeachment trial after rebuffing arguments by the former president’s lawyers that the entire proceeding was unconstitutional and lacked due process.

Trump’s lawyers David Schoen and Bruce Castor – contended Tuesday there is no legal justification to hold a trial for a president who is no longer in office. But senators sided with House managers prosecuting the case – as well as a wide swath of legal experts – that the Senate is bound to hold a trial considering Trump was impeached before he left office.

The vote was 56-44 with six Republicans joining every Democrat to go forward with the trial.

Wednesday is expected to be the first opportunity for impeachment managers, the House Democrats prosecuting the case, to present what they say is new evidence to convict the former president on a single article that he incited a pro-Trump mob to storm the Capitol on Jan. 6.

Both sides offered a preview Tuesday of what was to come in a trial expected to last several more days.

Democrats said the mob followed the lead of Trump, who encouraged supporters in a speech before the riot to protest the counting of Electoral College votes at the Capitol.

Trump’s attorneys argued that while the assault was horrific and the rioters should be prosecuted, Trump bore no responsibility for their actions.

Source : USA Today