“Fox News”: The majority of Americans consider America racist

“Fox News” television channel reported that the results of the public opinion poll, published by the “Wall Street Journal” today, showed that 56% of Americans consider American society racist.

According to the survey, only 40% of those polled had a different opinion.

The well-known conservative television commentator Ben Shapiro said these numbers were “shocking and frustrating.” According to him, “Americans find it easier to repeat the propaganda of the media instead of arguing with it because after that, severe persecution may come.”

Shapiro, editor of DailyWire.com and author of the new book, “How to Destroy America: Three Easy Steps,” added in a television interview, it is likely that this is already happening.

He noted that these numbers mean that either the majority of Americans consider their families, neighbors and friends really racist because American society is racist, or they believe that American society institutions are very corrupt and systematically racist, so that they should be wiped off the face of the earth.

Of course, this is confirmed by the supporters of “Project 1619”, who say, “America was built not on freedom, but on slavery and obscurantism. If you believe that there is now, in 2020, systemic or systemic racism rooted in society, the only solution is to completely destroy the system. On this, people like Robin de Angelo and Abraham Kandy are publicly speaking in what is called the “anti-racist pursuit.”

According to them, anti-racism is tantamount to breaking the system from within. Yes, you can see how these ideas take hold. Arguably, it is repeatedly knocked and planted in the heads. And I think people are being inspired in some way, by a doctrine that contradicts the facts and their own understanding of America. We see how an increasing number of people who view positively the slogan of black lives is important. We have always said that this phrase can be viewed differently.

Source: russian.rt.com