Czech journalist: Racism in America has an equal in the Israeli occupation entity

Czech journalist Roman Yanukh confirmed that racist practices are not limited to the American authorities and police, but are similarly carried out by the Israeli occupation forces towards the Palestinians.

In an article published in the Czech newspaper Hello Novini, he pointed out that the Israeli occupation authorities deal with the Palestinians in a racist manner, and this matter is not limited to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, but covers all the occupied Palestinian territories.

Yanuch pointed out that this racism was clearly demonstrated recently by the killing of representatives of the racist regime in “Israel” for a Palestinian youth suffering from autism, stressing that the description of the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of this act as a tragedy does not change anything from the fact that it represents a terrible crime.

The Israeli occupation forces shot the young man, Iyad Al-Hallaq, who has special needs, last month near the tribe gate in occupied Jerusalem. She prevented ambulances from reaching him and left him bleeding on the ground until he become martyr.

Source : Sana