“Neglecting the facts”: China condemns US draft penal code against it for Corona

China has expressed strong protest against a US bill to impose sanctions against Beijing over the coronary virus pandemic, and considered it intended to divert attention from the White House‘s mishandling of the epidemic.

“The bill presented by a number of US Senators ignores the facts at all,” said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Li Jian. The purpose of these urgent calls for investigations, which are clearly premeditated, is to hold China responsible for a clumsy response to Corona virus epidemic. ”

He added: “This behavior is absolutely immoral, and we express our strong protest against it.”

Two days ago, the prominent US Republican Senator Lindsey Graham submitted to the Senate the draft “Accountability Act for Covid-19“, authorizing President Donald Trump to impose sanctions on China, and claiming that “had it not been for the Chinese Communist Party to deceive” the virus would not have existed in the United States.

The project accuses China of preventing the international community from investigating Wuhan City laboratory, which Trump administration officials insist is the origin of the virus.

In addition, the bill calls on China to release all activists arrested in Hong Kong since the outbreak began, and to close all suspicious markets in which wild animals are sold.

Source: RT