American scientists unveil the secret “agent” that helps corona infiltrate our bodies

American scientists revealed that one of the most common symptoms of corona virus infection is loss of smell and the smell of strong or unpleasant smells.

They said in the results of a study published in the scientific journal ACS Chemical Neuroscience: “After conducting experiments in mice, experts found that the infection enters the body with the help of proteins that contribute to the identification of odors, which are produced in the nasal cavity, and these proteins are usually more in older people than they are Among the young people who are still in the age of the bully.

The researchers considered that if this mechanism is also correct for people, this study also explains why older people are more susceptible to corona virus infection.

The scientists concluded by saying that covering the nose with a protective mask and blocking it is more important than covering or blocking any other organ in the body in the face of Corona virus.

According to the latest data, the total number of infected people in the world has exceeded 4.1 million, of whom more than 285,000 have died.

Source : Sana