China records daily toll free from local deaths and infections from the emerging coronavirus

الولايات المتحدة تسجل أعلى حصيلة وفاة منذ بدء تفشي الوباء
الولايات المتحدة تسجل أعلى حصيلة وفاة منذ بدء تفشي الوباء

China announced today that it has not reported any new deaths caused by the Corona virus on the Chinese mainland or a local infection.

Xinhua News Agency quoted the Chinese National Health Commission as saying in its daily report that no new local cases of the disease caused by the new Corona virus “Covid 19” were reported on the Chinese mainland yesterday while there were 32 cases, all of them coming from abroad, raising the total The number of infected cases to 983.

The committee added that Hubei Province, which was hardest hit by the epidemic in central China, had not reported any new cases or deaths of the virus yesterday.

So far, Hubei has reported 67,803 confirmed cases of “Covid 19”, including 5,0008 in Wuhan.

The total confirmed cases on the Chinese mainland amounted to 81,740 as of yesterday, including 1,242 patients still receiving treatment and 77,167 patients who had been discharged from hospitals after recovery, and 3331 people died from the disease.

Source : Sana