12 nutrients to lower cholesterol are worth a try

Many people around the world die every day from heart disease, which causes concern. Being the leading cause of death in the world, it seems natural that it is necessary to start looking for ways to reduce its risk. If you try to eat some foods that are useful in lowering bad LDL cholesterol, you may be able to improve your health and protect the heart and arteries.

1- Fatty fish

Even if you are not a fish fan, it may be necessary to eat it because of the benefits it provides to your health. By choosing salmon instead of steak two or three times per week, this will give your body a healthy boost of omega-3 needed to lower cholesterol levels in the blood. Omega-3 works by protecting the heart from the abnormal system, while also reducing the triglycerides in the bloodstream. Sardines, salmon, tuna and anchovies are all acceptable options.

2- Eggplant

Eggplant has become a favorite vegetable. You can grill and prepare spiced or cut it and put it with delicious spaghetti sauce. The best thing about eggplant is that it is very beneficial to your body as well, as it works to lower cholesterol in the blood, which is a distinctive alternative to meat.

3- Soybeans

Soybeans can help lower low-density lipoproteins , also known as LDL cholesterol. You can also eat tofu and soy milk. Note that consuming only 25 grams of soy milk or tofu every day, will reduce the percentage of low-density cholesterol by six percent.

4- Fruit

According to the health recommendations, the average person should consume about 400 grams of fruit per day to take advantage of the vitamins and nutrients in it. However, the unknown secret is that the fruit provides more than just an important nutritional content that satisfies hunger and thirst. When you eat citrus fruits and even apples, you will also benefit from a substance known as “pectin” which is soluble fiber, which can help lower cholesterol levels in the blood.

5- Oats

There is no doubt that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but other than hunger, oatmeal also has other benefits due to the soluble fiber in it, as it also has a significant impact on your cholesterol levels, it is ideal for lowering the level of low-density lipoprotein .

6- Nuts

Nuts are useful as part of a person’s diet, except when they are covered with chocolate. To improve your health, it is advised to add peanuts, nuts, and almonds to your purchases, not only as an excellent snack that controls cravings for carbohydrates, but also helps lower cholesterol in the blood as well. In fact, it reduces harmful cholesterol by up to five percent.

7- Legumes

To avoid obesity and satisfy your hunger, legumes are recommended. Beans, lentils, and all kinds of legumes are effective in lowering cholesterol. What is more, it is distinguished by soluble fibers that the general public does not get enough of.

8- Avocado

Avocado on toast is considered a “new trend” in eating, and fortunately it is also a great way to reduce harmful cholesterol by up to 22 percent. You will also find that avocado provides more potassium than bananas, and can maintain the health of your heart, in addition to being rich in monounsaturated and unsaturated fats.

9 – Whole grains

Aside from being nutritious and delicious, they are also reasonably priced. One sachet of oatmeal is effective in preparing healthy snacks and breakfasts, oatmeal and barley are very rich in insoluble fiber

10-Dark chocolate

There is no need to feel guilty when eating chocolate. Fortunately, dark chocolate can lower cholesterol in the blood, which is a sufficient reason alone to purchase it.
However, it must be borne in mind that chocolate is often full of sugar that may reduce the benefits, so it is preferable to choose dark chocolate that contains 75 to 85 percent of cocoa, as it can reduce the LDL cholesterol by 6.5 mg / dL.

11- Vegetable oils

Oil selection can be confusing, especially since each manufacturer claims its brand is healthier than others. However, if you are using ghee, butter, or vegetable ghee to cook meals, then it is time to make a change.
To reduce low-density cholesterol, sunflower oil, olives, or canola are preferred, instead. Liquid oils are more beneficial for cholesterol than butter and fat.


Tea is still important and superior to some other foods, in terms of being able to lower cholesterol in the blood. Tea – both black and green – has other advantages as well. It helps maintain healthy blood pressure and reduces inflammation, as well as improves cardiovascular health.