Taboun: Syria will not fall and it is the only country that has not been subject to normalization yet

Algerian President Abdel Majid Taboun renewed his demands for Syria to return to the Arab League again.

“Taboun” said in an interview with “RT”, that Syria deserves to return to the Arab League, because it is faithful to its principles, as it is an institution of the League, and among the most ancient Arab countries, explaining that its extension to the Umayyad state.

The Algerian president explained Syria‘s weakness at the international level now, because it is the only country that has rejected normalization with Israel.

He continued: “In addition to the fact that Syria has lived for years, its economy, policy and institutions are built to confront and reduce democratic spaces and the freedom of individuals.”

“Whoever is not strong inside is impossible to be strong abroad, and the determination of the fate of peoples is only from the people themselves,” the Algerian president said.

Last Friday, Algerian Foreign Minister Sabri Bogadoum announced that he had asked the League of Arab States to end the freeze on Syria’s membership and to re-represent it again in its meetings and activities.

The “Algerian Radio”, quoting the Algerian Foreign Minister, stated that “the absence of Syria has caused great harm to the League and the Arabs“, calling on Arab countries to “push for the return of Syria’s membership and work for Damascus to return to the League of Arab States.”

In a press statement during his meeting with his Mauritanian counterpart, Ismail Ould Cheikh, Minister Bougadoum considered that “the absence of Syria has great harm to the League and the Arabs, and that Algeria‘s position is clear and decisive in terms of the need for Syria to return to the Arab League .”

The former Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, Amr Moussa, confirmed that Syria’s return would be close to the Arab League.

Source: Sputnik